Producer Resources

Welcome to the Producer Resources page. This is a space for prospective and enrolled producers to find information on NRCS requirements, learn more about the planning process, and access useful resources.

To submit and interest form and learn more about the application process, please visit our Apply Here page.

Below are some resources and next steps to prepare you for the carbon farm / resilient ranch planning process and practice implementation.

Review our Introduction Flyer-What is the Climate Beneficial Fiber Project? How do I apply?

Watch our Producer Webinar- What is the onboarding and planning process?

Click here to be directed to NRCS’s FOTG – Field Office Technical Guide

The FOTG is NRCS’s landing page for information on implementing practices. 

To view state specific Conservation Practice Standards (CPS) and Implementation Requirements (IR) documents:

  1. Select your state
  2. On the far-left Table of Contents, select “Section 4 – Practice Standards and Supporting Documents” then from the drop down select “Conservation Practice Standards & Support Documents”
  3. Select the practice 
    1. CPS- Conservation Practice Standard are labeled by: Practice Code – State – CPS – Practice – Year (example: 340 WY CPS Cover Crop 2018)
      1. Definition, purpose, criteria, considerations, plans and specifications, operation and maintenance 
    2. IR-Implementation Requirements are labeled by: Practice Code – State – IR – Practice – Year 
      1. Definition, purpose, where used, general provisions, specifications, examples and technical information, specific site and planning information, site preparation and specifics, operation and maintenance, special criteria for project implementation, practice specification approval and completion certification (fillable)

        Additional forms that might be helpful:

        1. SOW-Statement of Work is labeled by: Practice Code – State – SOW – Practice – Year
          1. Design, installation, check out
        2. PO- Practice Overview is labeled by: Practice Code – State – PO – Practice – Year
          1. Practice information, common associated practices,Information on naming convention documents
        3.  OTH- Other is labeled by: Practice Code – State – OTH  – Practice – Year
          1. Job sheets with implementation design templates to meet specifications and standards (fillable)

Click here to be directed to USDA’s Cost Share Payment Scenarios website

NRCS provides financial assistance for selected conservation practices and the availability and amount of financial assistance can vary between states.

Practice payment rates are per state and updated annually. Climate Beneficial Fiber Partnership uses “EQIP” payment rates. 

  1. Select state – EQIP
  2. Document shows 
    1. Code
    2. Practice
    3. Component 
      1. Rates based on practice implementation specifics 
      2. Wp- wetland priority 
      3. HU- historical underserved 
    4. Units 
    5. Unit Cost 
Practice Name NRCS Practice Standard
Alley Cropping 311
Bale or Swath Grazing 528P
Combustion System Improvement 372
Compost Facility 317
Conservation Cover 327
Conservation Crop Rotation 328
Contour Buffer Strips 332
Cover Crops 340
Critical Area Planting 342
Energy Efficient Agricultural Operation 374
Energy Efficient Building Envelope 672
Energy Efficient Lighting System 670
Fence 382
Field Borders 386
Filter Strips 393
Forage Harvest Management 511
Forest Farming 379
Forest Stand Improvement 666
Grassed Waterways 412
Hedgerow Planting 422
Herbaceous Wind Barrier 603
Irrigation Water Management 449
Livestock pipeline 516
Mulching 484
Nutrient Management 590
Pasture and Hay Planting 512
Prescribed Grazing 528
Range Planting 550
Residue and Tillage Management, No Till 329
Residue and Tillage Management, Reduced Till 345
Riparian Forest Buffer 391
Riparian Herbaceous Cover 390
Silvopasture 381
Soil Carbon Amendment 336
Stripcropping 585
Tree/Shrub Establishment 612
Upland Wildlife Habitat Management 645
Vegetative Barrier 601
Watering Facilities 614
Wetland Restoration 657
Wetland 659
Wildlife Habitat Planting 420
Windbreak and Shelterbelt Establishment 380
Windbreak and Shelterbelt Renovation 650

Note: The producer / ranch name has been altered to preserve identity.

Link to Example Ranch Plan